Dry Eye

Dry Eye Treatment

At Amati Óptica Clínica, we are committed to the visual health of our patients, and we understand the importance of maintaining good eye health and quality of life. That’s why we offer an innovative and effective treatment for dry eye syndrome: ZOCULAR.

Our team of highly qualified professionals will conduct a detailed study of each patient’s tear quality to determine the best course of treatment. If ZOCULAR is determined to be the best option, our specialists will explain in detail what this treatment involves, which is based on okra, a plant known for its beneficial properties for eye health.

ZOCULAR is a non-invasive and side-effect-free treatment that helps improve tear quality and reduce symptoms of dry eye, such as dryness, irritation, and the sensation of foreign bodies in the eyes. In addition, the results are usually quick and effective, allowing patients to regain comfort and eye health in a short amount of time.

In summary, at Amati Óptica Clínica, we care about the well-being of our patients and offer cutting-edge treatments, such as ZOCULAR, to improve quality of life and visual health for each of them. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more!

Pedir Cita

Reserve your appointment

Because we care your vision

What are the symptoms of Dry Eye?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice or treatment for your dry eye symptoms. We will be delighted to assist you and improve your visual quality of life.

Book your appointment

We invite you to visit us at our location in the heart of the center of Jerez, on Calle Corredera nº 36.

To ensure that we can serve you in the best possible way, we recommend that you book your appointment online.
We hope to see you soon!

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday:

9:30 – 13:30h. / 16:30 – 20:30


9:30 am – 1:30 pm. by appointments 

Sundays and public holidays



WhatsApp +34 673 50 19 81

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